MIraGE – Integrating migrants for growth in Europe

The project ‘MIraGE – Integrating Migrants for Growth in Europe’ aims to foster the labour integration of Third Country Nationals (TCNs) into the labour market of the European countries where they reside. On the one hand, it aims to substantially increase the interest of European employers in employing migrant labour; on the other hand, to test and promote an innovative and multi-stakeholder working method to foster the integration of TCNs into the labour market of the 8 partner countries (Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, France, Austria, Cyprus, Romania, Hungary) and of Europe as a whole.

Within the 12-partner consortium led by WCIF (Bulgaria), Lai-momo is responsible for the mapping of good practices and the development of the methodology, as well as for the implementation of the activities in Italy, thanks to its consolidated experience in accompanying foreign citizens to work and in relations with companies.
Furthermore, Lai-momo follows the development of the project’s visual identity and the realisation of the website in 9 languages (English, Italian, Bulgarian, French, Romanian, German, Greek, Swedish, Hungarian).
By means of a targeted offline and online campaign, MIraGE’s activities and training course registrations for employers and TCNs are promoted.

The first phase of the project involved a survey among employers in each partner country, through the dissemination of an online survey aimed at identifying good practices and difficulties with respect to the integration of third-country nationals in the local labour market.
This was followed – specific to each country, but adopting a common methodology – by a more in-depth desk research phase and the conducting of interviews with employers and foreign citizens who have embarked on a path of self-entrepreneurship.

On the basis of this survey, Lai-momo produces a Handbook of Good Practices, which collects the results of the research conducted in the different partner countries. The Handbook, produced in 9 languages, is made available on the project website and forms the basis for training activities for employers and TCNs.
For employers, the training is specific with respect to legislation, administrative procedures, methodologies for the labour integration of third-country nationals, with information on how to strengthen cooperation between different sectors (employers, state bodies, stakeholders).
For TCNs, on the other hand, training concerns the specific legal framework of the host country; assistance in identifying self-employment opportunities; information on existing financial and technical support.


Duration: December 2018 – November 2021

Partners: WCIF (Bulgaria, project leader), Lai-momo, Swideas AB (Sweden), Ressources Humaines Sans frontières (France), Südwind Verein für Entwicklungspolitik & globale Gerechtigkeit (Austria), CSI Center for Social Innovation LTD (Cyprus), Sindikat Obrazovanie Kam KT Podkrepa (Bulgaria), Die Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH (Austria), Victum Bt (Hungary), Szubjektív Értékek Alapítvány (Hungary), Groupe SOS Solidarités (France), Novapolis Association (Romania)

Funding: European Commission – Asylum Migration and Integration Fund