VRIN is an Erasmus + KA2 Project that aims to promote the integration of third-country nationals through the design and implementation of interactive and engaging training tools. These tools aim to facilitate understanding of the local context, promote social participation and foster job placement.

The activities focused in particular on the creation of a digital platform that constitutes a useful training tool to accompany third-country nationals in their path of integration and insertion. It is an innovative learning pathway, aligned with the latest trends in digital evolution, which offers valuable support to communities, local administrations, social workers and training organisations. This support facilitates the performance of care and support activities and facilitates easier access to services and social life for people of foreign origin

In order to identify the needs and characteristics of the people for whom the educational tools developed are intended, a preliminary research and survey activity was conducted. This phase was based on interviews and questionnaires addressed to operators who work in contact with people of foreign origin. From their observations, fundamental hints and indications emerged for the construction of effective training contents adapted to real needs.

In the next stages, the partners worked on the creation of the various training modules, which were then entered into a digital platform and finally tested during the Learning, Teaching and Training Activities (LTTA) held in Cyprus in spring 2023. The online platform includes Virtual Reality (VR) scenarios in English, which enrich the theoretical information presented and provide an interactive learning experience. The VR material was created with the cooperation of the partners during the scriptwriting phase and with the involvement of volunteers in the filming.

Finally, the partners completed the ‘VRIN Interactive Guide’, a document aimed at improving the understanding of the needs and situation of third-country nationals by providing basic information about the countries involved in the project.

The digital platform and interactive guide are available online on the project website:

Website: https://vrin-project.eu/it/home-2/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/VRINproject

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vrinproject_/


VRIN_Newsletter 1

VRIN_Newsletter 2

VRIN_Newsletter 3

VRIN_Newsletter 4

Programme: Funded by the Erasmus + Education and Training Programme

Duration: 24 months (01/02/2022 – 31/01/2024)

Leader: Hello Youth_Sweden


Flyer_EN (pdf format)

Flyer_IT (pdf format)